We are officially changing the tribe name to Louden Tribe
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Neelghu neets’edeneyh

We Work Together, We Help Each Other

To provide access to and support for affordable housing.

Housing is a key pillar of a Strong Community.

Passing on Knowledge, Traditions, and Language

Providing access to the education members need.

The Denakk’e language is taught to members and employees and spoken in the Louden workplace.

Helping implement safety within the community

Built a life jacket loaner station for the community to have access to life jackets in case they do not have or forget theirs.

Collaborative Projects with the City of Galena

Through technical and financial assistance, we are helping the City of Galena with sewer repairs on base, upgrading the water treatment plant, and power plant.

Assisting Galena City School District

Louden Tribe is helping fund the Early Learning Program.

Other Projects Being Implemented

We are working with other native corporations on bringing high-speed broadband internet to 23 communities on the Yukon via ACS Communications.

  • Community Swimming Pool

    We coordinated with the City of Galena to purchase new workout equipment for the swimming pool.

  • Covid Testing Center

    In Fall 2020, we built a place where the clinic can use to test people for Covid-19.